Quiltfest Presents: Cool Classic Rides 2 @ Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza

Mustang, Corvette, Motorcycles and other Cool Classic Rides will be making a pit stop at the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza this September 15-18, 2016. These amazing auto quilts will be on display all four days of the Quiltfest at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks / Valley Forge, PA.

Teresa Shippy exclaims, “They’re back, bigger and bolder than ever in Cool Classic Rides 2!” CCR2 was motivated by Cool Classic Rides 1’s success, excitement and favorable comments from all. CCR2 comprises a number of classic alternative rides in addition to classic cars. This second collection has also been created from her cut-up quilts, leftover painted fabric pieces, vintage men’s ties, wool scraps and lots of threadwork. Take a walk down memory lane and enjoy the rides as you view these and the hundreds of other quilts, wearable art, sewing, wool and fiber art at the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza.
So bring the person in your family that would appreciate these works of automotive art as you will also appreciate the quilting involved to make them. Be inspired to make your own quilted textile work of art that brings back fond memories of your first car, motorcycle and, yes, even a bicycle. Whether you use your current stash of fabric or shop the vast Quiltfest merchants’ mall; you will be sure to find everything you need to make your own heirloom quilt this September at the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza.
Visit www.quiltfest.com for more information about the show.
Quiltfest Funnies
PNQE Show Preview
~ Karen D. Boutte – Benicia California
~ Pepper Cory – Beaufort, North Carolina
~ Robbi Joy Eklow – Third Lake, Illinois
~ Pat Harrison – Exeter, Rhode Island
~ RaNae Merrill – New York, New York
~ David Sirota – Manchester, New Hampshire
~ Bobbie Bergquist – Rindge, New Hampshire
~ Phyllis Twigg Hatcher – Annapolis, Maryland
~ Caroline Hershey – Chincoteague Island, Virginia
~ Debora Konchinsky – Breinigsville, Pennsylvania
~ Lisa White Reber – Red Hill, Pennsylvania
~ Lisa Steele – Suffolk, Virginia
~ Janneke Van der Ree – Pennington, New Jersey
~ Renelda Peldunas-Harter, Carolyn Perry Goins & Cindy Simms – Virginia
Join Frieda Anderson to Explore the Trends & Traditions of Quilting
Join Frieda Anderson to Explore
the Trends & Traditions of Quilting
August 16-19, 2016
Manchester, New Hampshire
For those interested in studying the current trends and past traditions of quilting, join Rosalie Dace and Frieda Anderson as they explore the Trends & Traditions of Quilting. This new symposium, which is part of World Quilt New England, features workshops and lectures presented by a world-renowned faculty. Included is Frieda Anderson who is eager to spread her knowledge and passion for quilt making to students planning to participate in the Symposium. Frieda’s love for quilting is contagious. You won’t want to miss her at the Trends & Tradition Quilt Symposium, August 16-19, 2016 in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Frieda, who has been making quilts for over 40 years, teachers and judges internationally. She made her first quilt when she was in high school. She has always made things, and loves the process of creating. In college, she majored in Art History and minored in ceramics, but eventually found herself returning to fiber because it was more satisfying.
Frieda commented, “I can’t remember when I didn’t sew. For years, my focus was designing and making clothing. All that changed in 1992, however, when I was in fashion design and realized that all I wanted to do was make quilts. I have been designing and making original art quilts ever since.”
She finds each step of quilt making, from the beginning to the end, a real challenge. She says that it is hard to say what part of quilt making she likes best. She loves the pure creativity involved in conceiving and designing a new quilt. She loves to piece and she loves to fuse. She has found that by fusing smaller pieces, she can work out design issues. Then, she likes to make a bigger, bolder statement and piece the same quilt in a large format. Frieda’s original quilts are inspired by colors from nature and the scenery that surrounds her in the mid-west.
About 30 years ago, Frieda discovered hand-dyeing fabric. Working with her own hand dyed cotton and silk fabrics is fun and challenging, and now she works almost exclusively with her own hand dyed cottons and silks. She loves the dye process, and particularly enjoys seeing the colors emerge from the wet fabric; the dyeing process is always a surprise. Her hand dyed fabric and original patterns can be viewed on her website where readers can also enjoy her weekly updates and tips. Visit www.friestyle.com.
Join Frieda at Trends & Traditions for her Intentional Improvisation Class – Creative Crisp Curves. Frieda wrote, “We artists think of improvisation as a form of play which may lead toward discovery. Some new idea may be lurking in our subconscious; by playing around with line or shape, color & value, order or layout, we may discover something new and wonderful that will bring our work to life. This class is designed to help the student let go and work intuitively while learning to use precise curved piecing to create a one of a kind design.”
Moving Forward with a New Tradition – Art Quilts is the title of Frieda’s 6:00 pm, Wednesday, August 17 lecture. Learn from this expert what it takes to become an Art Quilt and make your mark in the quilting world with fabric. Building from the traditional beginnings of quilting and making it your own takes inspiration and imagination. Frieda will share her journey with you.
Finally, on Friday, August 19, Frieda will lead the Trends & Traditions Adventure Tour to the New England Quilt Museum and Canterbury Shaker Village. The tour will challenge participants to identify what they think is traditional versus a current trend. Were the Shakers traditional?
Be sure to take advantage of the amazing talent Frieda Anderson expresses as an instructor during her stay at the Trends & Traditions Quilt Symposium!
For complete details about this exciting new Symposium, please visit Trends & Traditions on the web.
Quiltfest Funnies
Trends & Traditions – Lectures
Trends & Traditions Quilt Symposium
Manchester, NH
August 17-19, 2016
Evening Welcome Reception Tuesday, August 16
~Part of World Quilt New England~
Join Rosalie Dace & Frieda Anderson
as they explore the Trends & Traditions of Quilting
Learn from the past while studying the bright future of quilting
at the Trends & Traditions Quilt Symposium.
At the Trends & Traditions Quilts Symposium you will immerse yourself into the study of quilting’s current trends and past traditions. Two lectures are included in the Symposium to help you continue your exploration of quilting’s Trends & Traditions.
Frieda Anderson: Moving Forward with a New Tradition – Art Quilts, Lecture
What does it take to become an Art Quilter and make your mark with fabric? Building from the traditional beginnings of quilting and making it your own takes inspiration and imagination. In this hour long PowerPoint presentation, Frieda shares with you her inspiration and shows you how she designs and makes her art quilts.
Frieda, who is from Illinois, made her first quilt when she was in high school. She has always made things, and loves the process of creating. She can’t remember when she didn’t sew, and for years her focus was designing and making clothing. All that changed in 1992, however, when she realized that all she wanted to do was make quilts. She has been designing and making original art quilts ever since. She finds each step of quilt making, from the beginning to the end, a real challenge. It is hard to say what part she likes best. She loves the pure creativity involved in conceiving and designing a new quilt. Most of her work is nature inspired.
Bonnie Dwyer: The Roots of Modern Quilting,
Luncheon Lecture & Trunk Show
Bonnie shares her study and findings about the Modern Quilt Guild and how it reflects the development of modern quilting. This early 21st Century trend has taken the quilting world by storm with a fresh, new look characterized by a variety of factors. This slide and trunk show will help you understand what modern quilting is, what it looks like, who and what influenced it, and how the trend became an international phenomenon. Bonnie’s presentation includes lunch: Penne with roasted vegetables & grilled chicken in pomodoro sauce, rolls & butter, chocolate mousse, coffee, tea or decaf.
Bonnie travels to Manchester, New Hampshire from Manchester, Maine. She has been intrigued by textiles since she learned to sew when she was a child. She was surrounded by needle arts all her life – the women in her family were prolific at knitting, tatting, crochet, embroidery, clothing construction, and quilt making. She later studied quilt making, quilt history, fabric dating, quilt repair & restoration, and quilt appraising. As the “Quilt Whisperer,” Bonnie enjoys sharing her passion with others. Her repertoire includes talks and hands-on workshops on fabric dating, quilt making, and quilt history – including the 21st Century modern quilting movement.
Special Note: The Trends & Traditions Quilt Symposium will be limited to 50 registrants. It is only available through the printable registration form on our website that can be emailed, mailed or faxed. You may also call 215-862-5828 to register. (You cannot register for this symposium using our online check out.) If you are interested in participating in this new concept symposium, feel free to contact us directly.
Quiltfest Funnies
Judging Seminar
Special 2-Day Judging Seminar
World Quilt New England
August 18-20, 2016 ~ Manchester, New Hampshire
Mancuso Show Management has jumped on-board where NQA left off, offering a Judging Seminar conducted under the auspices of the new National Association of Certified Quilt Judges.
Whether you are quilt maker interested in perfecting skills and knowledge, a quilt professional such as a teacher or appraiser, or someone interested in becoming a quilt judge, this 2-Day Judging Seminar presented by Pat Harrison at World Quilt New England provides a thorough foundation in all aspects of quilt judging. For registration details, please click here.
In this seminar, you will learn through a combination of discussion, demonstration, hands-on samples, PowerPoint presentations and mock judging just how quilts and quilted items are judged. The seminar covers all aspects of quilt judging, including but not limited to the job of judging, the art of evaluating design and workmanship, all about quilt show categories and awards, the various judging systems used, how to go about setting up a judging floor, and the difference between judging versus jurying. Discussion also includes presentation of the certification requirements for the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges (NACQJ), the only national certifying organization for quilt judges.
Students will receive handouts including resource recommendations, art and design terms with definitions, a glossary, sample contracts, and invoices. This 2-day seminar does not certify students as quilt judges nor is it a prerequisite for the NACQJ Judge Certification Program.
Pat Harrison, who is from Exeter, Rhode Island, is a Certified Quilt Judge and currently the President, Candidate Coordinator, and Webmaster of the newly formed National Association of Certified Quilt Judges. She is a teacher, author, lecturer, designer, and longarm quilter. A retired school librarian and teacher, she has won numerous awards for her quilts at local, regional and international shows.
Andi Perejda contributed an article to the October 2015 issue of On Track magazine about the new group that has been formed to promote professional level quilt judging at guild, regional and national quilt shows. The National Association of Certified Quilt Judges (NACQJ) will be carrying on the work of the former NQA Judge Certification program.
Forty-six years ago, the National Quilting Association was formed in Maryland in order to provide judged quilt shows with professional quilt judges. These judges had a comprehensive background in quilt history, workmanship, and quilt-making techniques. The purpose of the Judge Certification Program was to ensure that these judges could set aside their personal preferences to make objective, educational comments to quilt entrants. These comments would then help the entrants by providing a meaningful critique with direction for the improvement of their work while also recognizing their achievements.
The judges certified under the auspices of the NQA are now becoming the NACQJ. Their level of professional services to quilt shows is of the highest quality. In addition to being proficient at judging workmanship, they are also able to evaluate design as related to the contemporary incorporation of art techniques into quilt making. Evaluation of design is as important as workmanship in determining award winners. The certification process in its improved format will continue with the certification of candidates in the program as new CJs.
Anyone interested in joining the certification program is encouraged to contact the Judging Coordinator at NACQJcoordinator@gmail.com. The preparation for becoming a Certified Judge is rigorous and requires passion and desire on the part of the Candidate. Much of the work is self-directed. All qualified candidates who demonstrate a complete knowledge of a broad range of quilting techniques, skill in objective design critique, and confident skills in the judging room will achieve success in their goal to reach certification.
The NACQJ invites all quilt makers to visit its new website, www.nacqj.com to see the directory of excellent quilt judges, their locations and contact information. The site contains much useful information about our programs.