World Quilt Florida, presented January 7-9, 2016 in Orlando, offers a fantastic, panoramic view of the world’s take on quilting and textile art. The world-renowned faculty presenting workshops at the show can open the doors to a whole new world of quilting with their innovative designs and techniques. Included among the instructors is Florida native Carole Lyles Shaw.
Carole is a modern quilter and teacher who truly loves her job. Since Carole began quilting in 1989, she has taken a modern and creative approach with her art. She enjoys modern quilting’s allowance for individualism and free expression. Teaching gives Carole the opportunity to open quilters’ eyes to the possibilities in creating modern quilts. Carole is a member of the Board of Directors of The Modern Quilt Guild as well the co-founder of the Sarasota Modern Quilt Guild in Florida where she served as President in 2014. In addition to teaching and lecturing from coast to coast, Carole is currently working on publishing patterns of her quilts.
Carole will present 2 full-day, 9 am to 4 pm, workshops at World Quilt Florida:
Fractured Disappearing Modern 9 Patch,
Thursday, January 7
Scrappy Improv Block Quilt: Stash Buster & Orphan
Block Project , Friday, January 8