Special 2-Day Judging Seminar
World Quilt New England
August 18-20, 2016 ~ Manchester, New Hampshire
Mancuso Show Management has jumped on-board where NQA left off, offering a Judging Seminar conducted under the auspices of the new National Association of Certified Quilt Judges.
Whether you are quilt maker interested in perfecting skills and knowledge, a quilt professional such as a teacher or appraiser, or someone interested in becoming a quilt judge, this 2-Day Judging Seminar presented by Pat Harrison at World Quilt New England provides a thorough foundation in all aspects of quilt judging. For registration details, please click here.
In this seminar, you will learn through a combination of discussion, demonstration, hands-on samples, PowerPoint presentations and mock judging just how quilts and quilted items are judged. The seminar covers all aspects of quilt judging, including but not limited to the job of judging, the art of evaluating design and workmanship, all about quilt show categories and awards, the various judging systems used, how to go about setting up a judging floor, and the difference between judging versus jurying. Discussion also includes presentation of the certification requirements for the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges (NACQJ), the only national certifying organization for quilt judges.
Students will receive handouts including resource recommendations, art and design terms with definitions, a glossary, sample contracts, and invoices. This 2-day seminar does not certify students as quilt judges nor is it a prerequisite for the NACQJ Judge Certification Program.
Pat Harrison, who is from Exeter, Rhode Island, is a Certified Quilt Judge and currently the President, Candidate Coordinator, and Webmaster of the newly formed National Association of Certified Quilt Judges. She is a teacher, author, lecturer, designer, and longarm quilter. A retired school librarian and teacher, she has won numerous awards for her quilts at local, regional and international shows.
Andi Perejda contributed an article to the October 2015 issue of On Track magazine about the new group that has been formed to promote professional level quilt judging at guild, regional and national quilt shows. The National Association of Certified Quilt Judges (NACQJ) will be carrying on the work of the former NQA Judge Certification program.
Forty-six years ago, the National Quilting Association was formed in Maryland in order to provide judged quilt shows with professional quilt judges. These judges had a comprehensive background in quilt history, workmanship, and quilt-making techniques. The purpose of the Judge Certification Program was to ensure that these judges could set aside their personal preferences to make objective, educational comments to quilt entrants. These comments would then help the entrants by providing a meaningful critique with direction for the improvement of their work while also recognizing their achievements.
The judges certified under the auspices of the NQA are now becoming the NACQJ. Their level of professional services to quilt shows is of the highest quality. In addition to being proficient at judging workmanship, they are also able to evaluate design as related to the contemporary incorporation of art techniques into quilt making. Evaluation of design is as important as workmanship in determining award winners. The certification process in its improved format will continue with the certification of candidates in the program as new CJs.
Anyone interested in joining the certification program is encouraged to contact the Judging Coordinator at NACQJcoordinator@gmail.com. The preparation for becoming a Certified Judge is rigorous and requires passion and desire on the part of the Candidate. Much of the work is self-directed. All qualified candidates who demonstrate a complete knowledge of a broad range of quilting techniques, skill in objective design critique, and confident skills in the judging room will achieve success in their goal to reach certification.
The NACQJ invites all quilt makers to visit its new website, www.nacqj.com to see the directory of excellent quilt judges, their locations and contact information. The site contains much useful information about our programs.