Thursday, February 25 is a great day to enjoy a workshop at Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival. We have several suggestions: Twist & Shout with instructor Anna Hergert, Vikki Pignatelli’s Crazy About Curves workshop, or So Square taught by Gyleen Fitzgerald.
Anna Hergert is the 2014 Canadian Quilters Association Teacher of
the Year! Anna’s classes earn rave reviews, so you should take this opportunity to study quilting with this outstanding instructor. Anna’s Thursday Mid-Atlantic workshop is Twist & Shout. In this design class, you will journey from realism to abstraction and produce one-of-a-kind tessellated designs. Get ready for the “WOW” effect! Click here for complete workshop details.
Vikki Pignatelli is known for her flowing designs and passion for
color–as well as breaking all quilting “rules. Vikki’s Thursday workshop, Crazy About Curves, is “No Rules, No Stress, All Fun!” Students will quickly master Vikki’s technique that is a combination piecing/appliqué method of creating even sharp curves and narrow points effortlessly and with precision! For workshop details, please click here.
Gyleen Fitzgerald’s Thursday workshop, So Square, is perfect for the
beginning quilter. Squares and rectangles do all the work as students create a visually stunning graphic and modern quilt. Click here for complete workshop details.
The Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival is generously sponsored by BERNINA of America/Nancy’s Calico Patch Brother/Tidewater Sew-Vac; Baby Lock/All Brands, Janome/Sew E-Z, Juki, Husqvarna Viking/Bella Fabrics, Juki, ABM International / Innova, Handi Quilter, Sew Batik and Intelliquilter.
Important Reminder: The pre-registration deadline for M-AQF is February 5, 2016. For those who miss this deadline registration will open, for available workshops and activities, at the quilt festival on Wednesday, February 25 at 3pm.