Dottie’s Lament by Suzanne Bower
Dottie’s Lament will make a “guest” appearance as a one-quilt special exhibit at The Quilt & Sewing Fest of New Jersey this week.
If you want inspiration, entertainment, and to learn new skills look no further than the amazing roster of workshops and lectures to be presented at the 2016 Quilt & Sewing Fest of New Jersey. Headliners Meg Cox and Liza Prior Lucy along with our other exceptional faculty members will motivate any beginner or expert quilt and textile artist. This spectacular event is held at the Garden State Exhibit Center, in Somerset, March 3 – 6, 2016. In addition to the fantastic faculty, The Quilt & Sewing Fest of New Jersey will display a unique collection of quilt and textile art, along with a fabulous Merchants Mall featuring merchandise for all your quilt making and sewing needs!
The quilt show features the juried and judged “Northeast Quilt Competition” with an array of quilts created by residents of New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Over $8,000 in awards and prizes as well as ribbons will be presented to winners in a number of categories including Best of Show and Viewer’s Choice. In addition to the competition quilts, attendees to this event will not want to miss the spectacular special exhibitions such as the beautiful award winning quilts of the 2016 Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival and the Hoffman Challenge.
The workshops offered at The Quilt & Sewing Fest of New Jersey range from modern design with traditional piecing to appliqué and fabric dying. Quilt enthusiasts looking to explore new techniques or sharpen their talent will not be disappointed. Also, during the event Phyllis Twigg Hatcher will be available to provide quilt appraisals. Quilt and textile artists interested in stocking up on fabrics, tools, and sewing notions can shop the Merchants Mall.
You may purchase general admission tickets or sign up for available workshops, lectures or appraisal appointments at the show, March 3-6, 2016 at the Garden State Exhibit Center in Somerset.